
Trans & Law

Isabel Fernández de Castillejo, Attorney at law

Certified Mediator (Cross-Border)

Certified systemic solution-oriented expert

Certified guardian ad litem and contact supervisor

Publicly appointed and sworn translator for judicial and official purposes for the Spanish language

Office address:

Paul-Gruner-Straße 61
04107 Leipzig


VAT number: DE241649900


The attorney Isabel Fernández de Castillejo was awarded the professional title “Rechtsanwältin” in Germany. She is subject to professional regulations and is a member of the Saxonian Bar Association. Internet:

Saxonian Bar Association
Atrium am Rosengarten
Glacisstraße 6
01099 Dresden
Tel.: 03 51 – 31 85 90
Fax: 03 51 – 3 36 08 99
Membership number: 116006

Professional regulations


The relevant professional regulations can be found on the website under the heading “Berufsrecht” in German and English.

  • BRAO (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung) – Federal Lawyers’ Act
  • BORA (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte) – Professional Code of Conduct for Attorneys
  • Fachanwaltsordnung – Specialist Lawyer Regulations
  • RVG (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz) – Lawyers‘ Remuneration Act
  • Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft – Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Community (CCBE)
  • Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland (EuRAG) – Law on the Activity of European Lawyers in Germany from 09 March 2000 (BGBl. I p. 182)
  • Law Implementing the Directives of the European Community pertaining to the professional law regulating the legal profession

Interpreter / Translator:

Mrs. Isabel Fernández de Castillejo, located at Paul-Gruner-Straße 61, 04107 Leipzig, Germany, is sworn in as a translator before the Higher Regional Court Dresden.

Mrs. Isabel Fernández de Castillejo is a member of the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Federal Office: Uhlandstraße 4-5, 10623 Berlin, Internet:

Membership number:
SN 000357

Other memberships:

1st chairperson (honorary function) in the non-profit association International Mediation Centre for Family Conflict and Child Abduction, in short MiKK e.V., office: Fasanenstraße 12, 10623 Berlin,


Member of the non-profit association Anwalt des Kindes e.V. (“counsel for the child”), in short VAK Sachsen, whose purpose is the organization and provision of interdisciplinary assistance to prevent conflicts that may arise for children, adolescents, young adults, and their families.

Member of the federal association VAK Bundesverband, office: Pappelallee 44, 14469 Potsdam, Internet:

Member of the German-Spanish Lawyers Association DSJV e.V., San Elías, 29 – 35. 5° B, E-08006 Barcelona, Internet:

Member of the non-profit association Lawyers without Borders

Professional liability insurance

The professional liability insurance is with the insurance company ERGO Versicherungs-AG in 81737 Munich. The territorial scope of the insurance coverage includes activities in the member states of the European Union and thus at least meets the requirements of Article 51 of the German Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – BRAO).

Insurance number – HV 4084275.

Multidiszciplinary activities / professional communities

The law firm Trans & Law also maintains permanent cooperations, which can be viewed on the homepage.

The representation of parties with conflicting interests is prohibited for lawyers due to professional regulations (Art. 43a para. 4 BRAO). Before accepting a case, we therefore always check whether there is any conflict of interests.

Responsible according to Art. 55 para. 2 Broadcasting Treaty – RStV for journalistic and editorial content:

Isabel Fernández de Castillejo
Paul-Gruner-Str. 61
04107 Leipzig

Out-of-court dispute resolution

In the event of disputes between attorneys and their clients, there is the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution upon request at the regional bar association in Saxony (in accordance with Art. 73 para. 2 no. 3 in conjunction with Art. 73 para. 5 BRAO) or at the arbitration board of the bar (Art. 191f BRAO) at the Federal Bar Association, to be found online on the homepage (, e‐Mail:

Notice according to the ODR Regulation:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which you can find at

Notice according to Art. 36 VSBG (Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters):

Isabel Fernández de Castillejo will not participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board and is not obliged to do so.

Use of the website, disclaimer

The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice. The content of this website has been prepared to the best of our knowledge and with the utmost care. Despite this, no guarantee or liability can be assumed for the correctness, topicality, completeness, or quality of the information.

Attorney Isabel Fernández de Castillejo is not liable for any damages resulting from the use or non-use of the information provided on the website of Mrs. Fernández de Castillejo. The exclusion of liability does not apply insofar as damages in connection with physical integrity are concerned.